Bobrinskii, 1926
Bobrinskii's Serotine
External characters (Table 83)
This description is based on Chakraborty, 1983 who referred specimens from Gilgit to nilssonii kashgaricus but following Corbet and Hill, 1992 are here included in gobiensis . The forearm length ranges from 41.0-41.5 mm. The pelage colour is characteristically pale; the dorsal surface is pale straw-grey (light buff) with dark hair roots; the ventral surface is straw-white with the hair roots almost black. The membranes and all the naked areas are pale yellow. The claws are light brown.
Cranial characters
The skull is smaller than that of E. bottae with a condlyo-basal length of 15.1 mm (Chakraborty, 1983) and with the braincase relatively shorter. The tympanic bullae are not greatly enlarged and basioccipital pits are present.
Upper toothrow length is about 5.9 mm (Chakraborty, 1983). Unlike E. nasutus , the first upper incisor (I2) is bicuspid. In comparison to E. bottae , M3 is less compressed antero-posteriorly and the talonid of m3 is relatively much larger, subequal to the trigonid; in E. bottae , it is about half the size.
Specimens from Afghanistan and Pakistan are provisionally referred to E. g. kashgaricus . Specimens from Tibet and Nepal are possibly referable to E. g. centralasiaticus (Corbet and Hill, 1992).