Rhinopoma hardwickii (Khirasara, near Rajkot, Gujarat, India)
Rhinopoma hardwickii (New Delhi, India)
Rhinopoma hardwickii (Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India)
Dorsal view of skull of Rhinopoma hardwickii (New Delhi, India)
Dorsal (left) and lateral (right) views of baculum of Rhinopoma hardwickii (New Delhi, India). Scale = 1 mm
Anterior skull of Rhinopoma hardwickii (Khirasara, near Rajkot, Gujarat, India). Scale = 5 mm
Occlusal views of maxillary (above) and mandibular (below) dentition of Rhinopoma hardwickii (Khirasara, near Rajkot, Gujarat, India). Scale = 5 mm
Vertical shaft leading to a cave at Pannian Malai (Tamil Nadu, India): diurnal roost of Megaderma lyra, Rhinopoma hardwickii and Hipposideros speoris
External, cranial and dental measurements